POPI Presentation – 19 October 2017

POPI Presentation – 19 October 2017

Dear ABC Members,

We refer to our ABC/Roedl and Partner workshop on the Protection of Personal Information Act, which was held last week.

Attached please find a copy of the presentation as well as POPI draft regulations, for your records.

South Africa has signed the country’s first act concerning the protection of personal information into law and we awaiting its effect date.

The workshop will be of interest for you if you want to know more about the following:

  • Does the POPI Act apply to my business?
  • What does the POPI Act mean for my business?
  • Do I need to change the way I do business to be POPI compliant?
  • What do I need to change in my legal documents, such as contracts and policies, to be POPI compliant?


Roedl & Partner Presentation

POPI Draft Regulations_August 2017


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