BBBEE Presentation Download – Another successful ABC Event

Dear ABC Members,

There has been a lot of talk around the changes to the South African BBBEE framework and it is becoming more and more important for all business owners to stay abreast of the latest developments.  On the 20th July we had our first in a series of BBBEE Presentations run by the Compliance Hub, followed by a Sundowner. This workshop was most interesting and enjoyed by all present. The excellent overview showed clearly the  importance to follow up with more detailed workshops and we are delighted that Compliance Hub has agreed to bring us specific workshops on certain sections of the scorecard in the near future as part of our regular Sundowner Workshop program. We will advise you shortly of the dates.

Beginning of 2017 the ABC invited Hilton Johnson from Compliance Hub Consulting for an interesting B-B BEE workshop. Due to the huge success and interest from our members in the specific topic of skills development, Hylton held another presentation end September 2017 with the slogan “Recruit, train & place”. Skills development is one of the main pillows of the B-B BEE system and the training of unprivileged individuals is in focus.

With 18 million South African’s not completing high school, the country sits with an extremely high unemployment rate due to a lack of education. Giving skills development a higher impact in the B-B BEE scheme, the government makes training the duty of the businesses.

Hilton explained to the ABC members the opportunity which lies in this section of the B-B BEE act in clear steps. Very often it is difficult to understand the processes and involvement of various governmental institutions and it prevents business owners to implement the necessary actions.

Numerous members listened carefully and took an active role in the workshop, which was followed by a lively question and answer session.

We would like to thank Hilton for an interesting evening and encourage our members to contact him if they have any further questions to the topic.

Download Presentation

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