The Austrian Business Chamber (ABC) is a Non Profit Organisation in South Africa founded in 1996. This body is dedicated to the representation and support of the interests of Austrian business people and companies in South Africa as well as of the general South African business sector with Austrian ties and connections.
Editor’s Comments
Christian Neuberger |
2017, we welcome you!
Another year has almost passed. And what a year 2016 has turned out to be. We were not spared much in surprises and disruptions, locally and abroad. From the continued wars in Syria, to the refugee crisis in Europe, from Brexit to the most non-presidential presidential campaign in the US, ‘trumped’ by the election of a very non-presidential president-elect Donald Trump. From SA coming dangerously close to loosing its investment grade rating, to our equally non-presidential president Jacob Zuma surprisingly clinging on to power. The world economy remains fragile and even more so our South African economy, once again hundreds of thousands of hardworking people have lost jobs and their ability to support their wider families.
But there are glimpses of hope. It seems our small home country Austria at the center of Europe, is first amongst those opposing more populist and radical movements with the election of van der Bellen as our new president. The voices advocating change in leadership in South Africa are getting increasingly more and louder. Our very able finance minister Pravin Gordhan braved all attempts to have him removed and ratings agencies have given him more time to continue getting our house in order to spare South Africa the shame of dropping to a below investment grade rating, like other key emerging markets, such as Brazil had to endure during 2016.
And even the Austrian Business Chamber in South Africa wasn’t spared surprises and disruptions. With Ralph Ertner, Max Hussmann and Paul Fried, 3 valuable and very supportive directors recently tendered their resignations to allow them to focus on their demanding businesses. I would like to sincerely thank them on behalf of the board and our members for all their contributions to make the ABC the formidable Organisation it is today.
So the time has come to put 2016 behind us, let’s forget about a tough and rough year and focus on a well deserved and needed holiday and festive season. With the glimpses of hope we have seen, and a bit of Santa’s magic, there is no doubt that 2017 will turn out to be a better year.
I wish you and your loved ones beautiful, joyous days amongst friends and family and i am looking forward to seeing you all at our first ABC Sundowner on 24 January, 2017
Merry xmas, happy holidays and all the best for a fun, healthy and prosperous 2017!
With best regards, your
Christian Neuberger
ZUREL COLLEGEDuring the year, the ABC South Africa conducted a Vocational Education and Training Survey amongst its members. Based on your responses we could identify several key-areas where a shortage of skilled professionals is most pressing e.g. fitters, turners, electricians, electronics technicians, shop fitting, motorcycle technicians, tool making, plastics manufacturing and heat treatment.In order to meet short-term demand for skilled workforce, as well as to offer a long-term perspective to provide a steady supply of specially trained and prepared apprentices, the Austrian Business Chamber supported by the Austrian Trade Commission has set out to collaborate with the Zurel Bros SA – Education and Training Academy in Polokwane, a private FET College. During our recent South Africa – Austria Business Forum the Austrian Business Chamber has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Zurel College SA, represented by its Director and CEO, Mr. Norman Landman. The Zurel College is a fully accredited service provider already offering training and education in the fields of Engineering and Business Studies.As a first step, we kindly invite you to have a look at the different educational programs currently offered by Zurel College: and identify suitable programs that may meet your demand for skilled labor. We recommend to get in touch with Mr. Norman Landman and inform him about the areas in which you would be interested to offer an internship/apprenticeship or immediately require skilled workforce. Mr. Landman will cross-check your requests with the pool of currently available and suitable candidates. Here are his contact details:Norman Landman – CEO
Zurel Bros SA
120 River Street, Ladine, Polokwane
T: 015 – 293 2306/58
E: the medium and long term, the Austrian Business Chamber and Austrian Trade Commission and seek to promote and establish an educational system comparable to the Austrian “Dual Education” system in cooperation the education authorities in South Africa. Please don´t hesitate to contact us, should you have any questions or require additional information.
2016 has been a very special year for the Austrian Business Chamber in South Africa. It has been over 20 years that the Austrian Business Chamber has been providing Austrian affiliated business people in South Africa a formidable platform for networking, business support and a common voice for lobbying our government.
And no doubt, 2016 turned out a spectacular year for the ABC with a big line up of great events.
Our regular Sundowners combined with workshops have gained a stronger and stronger following. From the tax workshop with Roedl& Partner, to our regular budget speech with Davie Roodt, to having the Gauteng Premier David Makhura at our Annual General Meeting. Max Hussman and Monika did a fantastic job with hosting the 2nd Annual Gold Day of the Austrian Business Chamber in South Africa, this time in the beautiful setting of the Houghton Golf Course. We had a wonderful Sundowner at Cruises International, courtesy of George Argyropoulos, who made us all longing for our next holiday. We had very valuable insights into the South African history, the workings of parliament and a brief outlook into our political future with the CEO of the Thabo Mbeki Foundation Mr Max Boqwana, with Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister of Labor , Mr Ian Ollis and at a business lunch with renowned political analyst, Mr Moeletsi Mbeki. Davie Roodt returned to our regular Sundowners with a slightly different focus than usual, giving us valuable insights into the demographics of South Africa and in particular with an interesting perspective on why girls are the key to our future success. A big thank you to all our regular guest speakers.
We also owe big gratitude to the ongoing support by and our co-operation with Johannes Brunner and Advantage Austria. Many of our members attended the exceptionally high profile and interesting trade forum on the occasion of the visit of the Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sebastian Kurz, and the President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Dr. Christoph Leith.
Equally supportive has once again been our Ambassador Mrs Brigitte Oeppinger- Walchshofer. We herewith extend our sincere gratitude. Her excellency always adds a number of exciting events to our calendar, be it culturally with invitations to various concerts and of course with the absolute highlight of the Austrian social calendar, the Celebration of the Austrian National Day at her Residence in Pretoria.
And it has now almost become tradition, that we conclude our activities with Johannes and Francisca Brunner’s annual Christmas bash at their residence in Illovo, a truly special event that traditionally marks the end of a long business year and eases our way into the celebratory holiday season.
Thank you to all the guest speakers and friends of the ABC that have contributed during the year to make the ABC a chamber that is the envy of many other nations.
Johannes Brunner – Advantage Austria |
Austrian FM highlights need for predictable regulation during South Africa mission
Austrian Foreign Affairs and Integration Minister Sebastian Kurz used a business forum hosted by Advantage Austria in Johannesburg to highlight regulatory stability and predictability as a “necessary condition” for future investment into South Africa and the rest of the continent.
Kurz, 30, is Austria’s youngest-ever Foreign Minister, having been
appointed to the post in December 2013, when he was still in his twenties.
Participating in the largest Austrian business mission to Africa in 20 years, Kurz indicated that Austrian business was increasingly alive to Africa’s economic potential. However, he stressed the need for legal and regulatory certainty, while also highlighting the European country’s strengths in renewable energy, education and training, engineering and science and technology.
Austria’s development finance institution, Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank, is supporting the African Renewable Energy Fund, to facilitate investment into renewable-energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa by providing equity capital and know-how for project preparation and implementation.
South Africa has, until recently, been successful in rapidly scaling up its nascent renewables sector through a series of competitive auctions, which have resulted in over 100 projects and nearly R200-billion in investment. However, the programme has been thrown into question, with State-owned utility Eskom resisting stated energy policy by spurning the signing of new power purchase agreements.
Speaking from the same platform as Kurz, Department of Trade and Industry director-general Lionel October highlighted the renewable energy sector – along with rail rolling stock, automobiles and shipbuilding – as central to government’s reindustrialisation vision.
“South Africa is open for business,” October stressed, indicating that the country was keen to attract more manufacturing investors, including in the production of renewable-energy components.
He also urged Austrian firms to look beyond the country’s sub-1%
economic growth performance and focus, instead, on its “fundamentals”
– the country’s proximity to a growing African market, its youthful
population and growing middle class.
October also urged Austrian business to embrace South Africa’s broadband black economic empowerment (BBBEE) rules describing them as a “win-win”, in that successful transformation would help expand the buying power of South Africa as more black South Africans joined the ranks of the middle class.
“We are looking to accelerated black economic empowerment,” October said, adding that BBBEE is “imperative” for any firm wishing to conduct business with government or State-owned companies.
Both Kurz and October lauded the long-term nature of relations between the two countries, with the Austria trade commission in Johannesburg having marked its sixtieth year of operations in mid-October.
In 2015, total trade between Austria and South Africa amounted to R7.8-billion, heavily weighted in Austria’s favour with exports to South Africa of R6.8-billion. South Africa ranks sixth among Austria’s overseas trading partners and is the country’s major trading partner in Africa.
South African direct investment in Austria is also larger, at R43-billion, than the R10-billion-worth of Austrian total direct investment in South Africa. Major South African businesses in Austria include paper groups Mondi and Sappi.
60 Years Advantage Austria in South Africa
On the occasion of the visit of the Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sebastian Kurz, and the President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Dr. Christoph Leitl, Advantage Austria celebrated its 60iest anniversary of having a physical presence in South Africa
South Africa is one of the oldest foreign offices of Advantage Austria and has over this extensive period done tremendous work in promoting Austrian business opportunities in South Africa
We congratulate and we are looking forward to continue our successful partnership.
Austrian Embassy News
Brigitte Oeppinger-Walchshofer |
Vienna hosts the OSCE headquarters

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is the world’s largest regional security organisation. It comprises 57 participating states and is headquartered in Vienna. The participating states span the northern hemisphere from Vancouver to Vladivostok and comprise all European countries as well as the US, Canada, the Central Asian countries and Mongolia. Other countries from Asia and the Mediterranean region are involved as partners. The OSCE has its origins in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), which was established in 1975 during the phase of detente between East and West. The Helsinki Final Act (1975), the Charter of Paris (1990), the Charter for European Security of Istanbul (1999) and the Astana Declaration (2010) are the major agreements adopted by the OSCE, which define a steadily grown system of political obligations on the basis of a comprehensive and cooperative concept of security. This means that the OSCE operates on the principle of unanimity and does not force any decisions on its members. Vienna provides a platform for dialogue
The OSCE offers a forum for political dialogue on a broad spectrum of security-related issues and a platform for joint action, with the aim to improve living conditions for individuals and communities. With its comprehensive concept of security, which encompasses politico-military, economic and environmental, and human aspects, the OSCE helps the states to overcome differences and build trust by cooperating in the fields of conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict management. Through its institutions, its special units and its network of field operations the OSCE addresses joint security issues, such as arms control, terrorism, good governance, energy security, human trafficking, democratisation, media freedom and national minorities. Currently, the OSCE works towards stabilising the Ukraine conflict by sending more than 1,000 observers and staff members to the monitoring mission in Eastern Ukraine and by having established the negotiation format of the Trilateral Contact Group, which is composed of representatives from Ukraine, Russia and the OSCE. Austrian chairmanship in 2017
The OSCE is chaired on a rotating basis by the participating states. Each state holds the chairmanship for one year and in this capacity plays a major role in steering the work of the organisation and in representing the OSCE externally. The foreign minister of the chairing state holds the function of the “Chairperson-in-Office”. At the OSCE Ministerial Council in Basle in December 2014, Austria was tasked by the participating states to take over the OSCE chairmanship in 2017. Thus, Austria will succeed Germany, which is chairing the organisation in 2016, and will hold this responsible and important function for the second time after its chairmanship in 2000. The OSCE chair has a wide variety of tasks and therefore is a key political player. In this role as a mediator, Austria can build on its foreign-policy experience and priorities to strengthen security in Europe. Managing conflicts, preventing and fighting transnational threats to internal security and restoring trust in a common space with 1.2 billion people will be some of the challenges and priorities of the Austrian chairmanship.Best regards
Brigitte Öppinger-Walchshofer
Ralph’s view of the World
Ralph Ertner – Into-SA |
State Capture of South Africa
2016, a year that came and went in a blink of an eye, so it seems. But it had equally 365 days as its predecessors; what happened? Well, from an economic perspective, the historians will come back empty-handed, return a zero, nothing to write home about! Truly?
The perception is right, but behind the scenes a lot was happening in this year, often unknown to most of the public, privy only to those eyes, who are part of the “Power Circle”, the small group of greedy men and women, who determine what does and does not happen in the country.
If you think dictatorship is bad? Well, think again, at least a dictator is visible, out in the open and serves as a proper enemy profile, but throughout history hidden societies have been the Achilles’ Heel to any democracy! In the case of South Africa we do not talk about the Illuminati, Freemasons or Skull & Bones. We talk about a group of people, whose members are visible, very visible, but their membership in the Power Circle is not. Let’s face it, the South African economy began the year rather subdued with little prospect for growth, but at least there was some. With 0.1% economic growth this prospect is now gone! Gone also the hope that this year will mark a turning point for unemployment, education, corruption, crime or nepotism.
A brainwashed flock of ANC voters still believe all is good … Amandla … YES! …. Ngawethu? …. NO! The power is not with us, the people, anymore! It has been hijacked in good old South African tradition by a group of less than a dozen people. How I come to this conclusion? Fortunate enough, I am able to read and the “best” read in this year was Thuli Madonsela’s “State Capture Report”, which was released in October after it escaped an early burial by the ANC through brave men in the jurisprudentia, who denied last minute urgent interdicts against its publication. The 355-page long report is out, everywhere, to read by anyone and anybody! Nothing describes this year therefore better than a brief summary of the findings in this report:
“State Capture”, is to be understood as kidnapping or hijacking of a State in which decisions are no longer based on political and fiscal reasoning but are the result of private influence.
The private puppeteers in the latest edition of the puppet theatre called “SA Government” have been identified as two brothers from India, who immigrated to South Africa and are jointly referred to as the Gupta Family. The main puppet was not difficult to identify as it is our defiant President, Jacob Zuma, the whole affair far too kindly described as “Guptagate” and its beneficiaries as #ZUPTA! The various “political killing fields” featuring the Gupta Family are endless: ESKOM, TRANSNET, SAA, SABC, the Departments of Home Affairs, Finance and Mineral Resources, the Presidency, the National Prosecution Authority or even the “independent” HAWKS!
First indication of any government body or parastatal being infiltrated or highjacked by #ZUPTA is usually the surprising dismissal of its leader, who then gets replaced by a “Zuptathiser” or “Zuptophant”, who has the reoccurring task to manage and amend whatever policy or processes are in place, that from now on they benefit #ZUPTA. Looking for examples of the highest order? Malusi Gigaba replacing Minister Naledi Pandor and Daniel van Rooyen replacing Minsiter Nhlanhla Nene, who actually was on its own only a failed attempt by #ZUPTA when replacing Pravin Gordhan as he did not want to play game as dictated by the Guptas! The Guptas then offered ZAR 600m to Deputy Minister of Finance Mcebisi Jonas to be paid into an account of his choosing for becoming Minister of Finance and removing all those officials in the Treasury, who continued to stand between the Guptas and the entirety of the state coffers! Zuma refused to investigate these allegations, one does not wonder why and one further may not wonder anymore, why a witch-hunt for Pravin Gordhan did unfold …. simple: he is not part of the Power Circle and he could not be bought either!
Covering up was easy! One must know that the Guptas also own their little news empire with the New Age newspaper, TV Station ANN7 or the “Independent” Media Group. Please note that recent meddling in the affairs of the SABC has only being “foreplay” to making the national broadcaster tool no. 1 for the Guptas’ necessary publicity exercises, nothing more obvious than this after SABC COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng instructed its journalists to “stop focussing on negative stories”!
The benefits? They are gigantic!
To those foreigners, who had to deal with VFS in their immigration matters: Congratulations, you sponsored #ZUPTA! The Visa Facilitation Services (VFS), are a subsidiary of an Indian-based, Gupta-owned company, who got mandated without tender process and in violation of all procurement laws of South Africa to fulfil only one function: to receive your visa application and to carry it over the street to the Department of Home Affairs. For this superfluous and processing time-wise counter-productive “service” you paid an additional ZAR 1 350 to VFS and #ZUPTA netted in total ZAR 1.15bn in 2015/2016!!
Another Gupta company, Oakbay Investments, made a suspiciously large number of profits from various TRANSNET and ESKOM contracts over the last years. Former TRANSNET CEO and current ESKOM CEO, Mr. Brian Molefe, why did you cry in public when you were confronted with the report? Caught red-handed with the hands still in the cookie-jar? Shame!
The National Prosecution Authority (NPA) is unfortunately another sad example of the undue influence of #ZUPTA! Over time 783 corruption charges were filed against the President and everybody clapped hands in excitement when the High Court recently ruled to reinstate all charges against Jacob Zuma, which were dropped in 2009 to enaable him becoming Top-Honcho of the Rainbow Nation. The clapping now quickly made room for consternation and disbelief when the NPA announced their decision to appeal the High Court Ruling. Can one make it any clearer how far the state capture has gone already?
The report is out, for everyone to see, but the main puppet stays, ignorant, defiant and knowing that the mighty Gupta Brothers will watch over him, so no need to step down as long as he shares his loot with his sons and the other members of the Power Circle. Let’s have a quick FAQ :
Who else is in the Power Circle? – The National Executive Committee of the ANC is a good place to look for names, as a starter.
Who will be able to stop Zuma? – In the moment nobody, but the Power Circle is not without enemies within the ANC, another group is internally fighting the Power Circle and will either succeed to dethrone them or – in the process – break the ANC into two halves, which would end any speculation about future elections. Guess, in which group Pravin Gordhan is and which circle controls the HAWKS?
Even though the remainder of the report is fascinating, this is not the place to give a more comprehensive summary. So, where from here? South Africa 2017, quo vadis?
The power struggle in the ANC will intensify and Zuma’s desperate need for getting rid of Gordhan will ultimately push the economy over the brink to enter junk status. This will be the end of international public funding or reputation amongst foreign investors and will put a huge question-mark behind all large infrastructure projects like the coal-fired power plants, water-dam building projects, railway upgrades and extension as well as the nebulous Nuclear Power Plans of #ZUPTA, which were kick-started by ESKOM’s announcement on 20 December. The Rand will continue its vicious spiral downwards and imported inflation will push SARB to raise interest rates, THE neuralgic point in the life of all businesses and individuals in South Africa.
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) will come under attack as its independence remains a thorn in the plans of the Power Circle. One must know that the Reserve Bank is not only the guardian of the South African currency, but also the only institution that is able to grant banking licenses. First attempts to move this competence over to the #ZUPTA-controlled Treasury have already been made by the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mosebenzi Zwane, as well as ANC Deputy Secretary General, Jessie Duarte, and we all know what that would mean for the #ZUPTA plans, but we also know that SARB’s independence is cemented deep into our constitution and we know now another two politicians on the #ZUPTA payroll.
Zuma will stay in power as long as the Gupta Family fuels his war inside the ANC against those who want to end the current state capture. If he wins the war, GOD help us all, South Africa will be doomed and facing the economic abyss. But there is hope as the voters in recent municipal ballots have shown, hope for democratic change, hope for right and reason to triumph over greed and nepotism. One does not have to believe in Santa Clause for it to become true, one should only believe in the process of education and communication, the votes will follow automatically!
In this spirit and combined with the best wishes for South Africa to make 2017 the “Year of Change” we wish you a
Ralph |
Economic Update
Dawie Roodt – Chief Economist Efficient Group |
Stumped. That probably best describes the reaction, of just about everybody, to Trump’s win – I suspect also of many Trump supporters. And don’t believe the “I-told-you-so’s”, most just took a contrarian view for fun when they predicted a Trump win. Nobody suspected this! No wonder the markets reacted so violently.
But what does it mean and what does it mean for South Africa (SA)? First, a bit of context. I believe that global financial markets are mostly frothy and that the world economy failed to gain significant traction, even after massive stimulation. I also believe that a significant market correction was on the cards, something that probably would have been sparked by a US rate hike, relatively soon. So too might a Clinton win have had to deal with some sort of financial or economic realignment relatively soon. From a market point of view, a Clinton win would probably have been better because it’s “more of the same”; i.e. more certainty which is usually good. What we have, is a Trump win and that means tons of uncertainty. That’s bad because it may hasten the inevitable; i.e. a market correction. But eventually uncertainty gets cleared up and before long the Trump presidency becomes, quite ironically, part of the establishment.
Three things are important to SA: Firstly, a Trump win will inevitably affect international relations. He is not a career politician. Many other leaders don’t like him, and some have even said so, while a few others may get along with him quite well – like Putin. So, chances are that the US’s international relations may be readjusted. Just think of Mexico. How will Trump do business with his southern neighbour after insulting them not too long ago? This may (or may not) lead to political tension between the US and other countries, which may spook markets and may even lead to something nastier. Risk number one for SA is that Trump-induced international developments may affect us and may force us to change our own allegiances. There is very little we can do about this.
Secondly, the SA government and the Obama administration got along just fine. In fact, at times SA was rather cocky with the US, even potentially threatening our AGOA benefits. If we think that we will be able to get away with such arrogance with Trump, we are probably mistaken. In fact, a Trump administration may require a few special favours of SA, or else…
But thirdly, that is the opportunity. Let’s accept certain facts. The US is the world’s largest economy, they are the world’s policeman, their currency is the world’s currency and they are the only superpower. They may be arrogant and bossy, and their new leader may be a bully, but even bullies need friends. Perhaps this is the opportunity for SA to make sure that relations with the US are as good as it can get, we may even benefit from it economically. We must not miss this chance! An unrelated, but more important issue, is our own politics. I suspect that local political conditions will remain very messy for at least a good couple of months, probably longer. I also believe chances are good that it may deteriorate even further. For one, I think Gordhan may be on his way out unless Abrahams goes to Damascus.
With all of this – what is an investor to do? My view is that any uncertainty will eventually be good for the US$. That means bad for the ZAR and other EM currencies. Coupled with an expected correction on world financial markets and a weak global economy, commodity prices will remain suppressed. Should you sell and hide in cash? No! The best anybody can do, is to ensure that your portfolio is properly diversified, that your investments correspond with your risk profile and to make sure you have a good team looking after your assets. Sure the whole Trump thing might be very disruptive. And who knows what the consequences will be. More importantly and closer to home, however, is that our own political circus can be far more damaging to the economy and your portfolio. Don’t worry about Trump, worry about Zuma.
Dawie Roodt Chief Economist of the Efficient Group
Educate • Equip • Empower
Education Africa in partnership with UNISA’s Centre for Business Management, is offering the following two certificate one-year programmes:
• Programme in Business Focused Management
The aim of this programme is to improve the skills and knowledge of South African managers and potential managers, in terms of the business world, the functioning of an economic system, the principles of establishing a new business and the management of an existing business.
• Programme in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
The aim of this programme is to provide potential entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge to establish and manage a business, to transfer entrepreneurial and managerial skills to entrepreneurs through indigenous and Africa-relevant multi-media, and to improve the management skills of those entrepreneurs who already own a small business.
Attached please find a copy of our promotional flyer and course content for both programmes
Each programme has 4 modules, and are supported by a multiple-choice questions (MCQ) databank for automated assessment throughout the year.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the course going be?
• It is a one-year programme.
• First assignments are due in March and examinations are in Oct/Nov.
• Learners will start the programme with module 1, complete the assignments, followed by modules 2, 3 and 4.
• An examination paper in each of the modules will be written in the Oct/Nov examination period.
• Learners need to pass all four modules of the programme to complete the qualification and receive a certificate.
• Modules failed can be re-written – learners do not need to repeat the entire programme if one, two or three modules were failed – they only need to repeat the failed modules.
What will the delivery method be?
• We will utilise a blended delivery mode, meaning that study material will be made available electronically and hard copy (if need be at an additional cost).
• All assignments can be submitted electronically, and it will be marked electronically.
• Students will receive progress reports and they can participate in an examination preparation tool – also available electronically.
• Venue-based examinations will take place.
Are there any pre-requisite requirements needed before one registers?
• Senior certificate and/or appropriate work experience.
• Students must have access to the Internet.
• Study materials are best viewed on tablets, desk tops, laptops etc., smart phones are not recommended as an alternative.
What are the possibilities for continuing studies at UNISA after completion of the programmes?
• After completing the Programme in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, learners that wish to register for a B.Com degree, will be exempted from the second year Entrepreneurship module.
• After completing the Programme in Business Focused Management, leaners that wish to register for a B.Com degree, will be exempted from Business Management first year module.
These two programmes will greatly enhance the skills of a company’s workforce and empower those entrepreneurs in running their own businesses.
By registering your staff, your supplier’s staff, or someone that is unemployed on these courses through Education Africa, you can claim B-BBEE points for your company’s Skills and Enterprise Development element for your scorecard.
For more information please contact
James Urdang
Work: 011 685 7300
Making real change Happen
Poverty alleviation through Education

The international professional services firm, Rödl & Partner, continues to expand across Africa and is now present in Lagos, the former capital city of Nigeria as well as in Nairobi Kenia. The Contact Partner in Nigeria, W.F. Oluyemi, will assist his clients in collaboration with Willem Haarhoff who represents Rödl & Partner Africa (Pty) Ltd based in South Africa, Johannesburg. In Nairobi, the firm partners with renowned Chebet Mehta Advocates.
May we also welcome all new members that haven’t been specifically mentioned and we kindly urge you to provide us with a brief introduction to your companies so that we can list these in future editions of the newsletter |
Thomas Zilk has joined the ranks of world-class watch manufacturers and recently launched his brand new watch brand KLOK
TOP quality – stainless steel or rose gold plated, minimalistic elegant thin design. 24 month limited warranty. Designed in Cape Town, manufactured by company CityWatchInternational with 20 years experience in watch production.
if anyone of your friends and family was disappointed with their Christmas present, this is the way to make up for it
Use coupon code ABC20 for a 20% discount for our members, valid until 10 January, 2017.
ABC Members enjoy a
10% discount on
Into SA Consulting Fees.This includes the areas of Immigration, Company Incorporation, BEE Consulting, Tax Registrations and Legal Document Drafts.
Business Opportunities
Johannes Brunner – Advantage Austria |
Conferences in Austria
5th Central European Biomass Conference
12-20 January (Graz, Austria)
In the first dedicated Africa-EU B2B matchmaking session at the CEBC, companies from both continents will pair with one another for knowledge sharing and partnership exploration.
The conference takes place every 3 years. It is the flagship event for the Central European bioenergy sector and one of the most important events for the industry worldwide.
The Future of Building Conference And B2B Matchmaking Event
17 May 2017 (Vienna Chamber of Commerce – Vienna, Austria)
The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber once more puts the building lifecycle in the spotlight by focusing on innovative solutions, sustainable refurbishment and infrastructure.
The conference opens with specialist presentations and panel discussions on the latest Austrian technologies and developments in construction.
For more information, please contact the Austrian Trade Commission on 011 442 7100 or
We are looking forward to seeing you at one of the following exciting events:
26 January – 17.00h
Roedl&Partner Tax Amnesty Workshop
followed at 18.00h by:
1st Sundowner 2017
Join us for the latest insights into the tax amnesty
Venue: Balalaika |
Austrian Business Chamber in Southern Africa:
Phone no: + 27 (0) 72 919 4418
Fax No: +27 (0) 86 685 5120 Embassy – PTA: Tel (012) 452-9155 Fax (012) 460-1151Austrian Consulate – JHB: Tel 011 462 2334 Fax (011) 447-6191Austrian Consulate – CPT: Tel (021) 421-1440/1 Fax (021) 425-3489Austrian Trade Commission: Tel (011) 442-7100 Fax (011) 442-8304Austrian Business Club in Zimbabwe (ABCZ):
Tel 00263 -773 -937115/
Email: (President: Karl Markhardt)
The ABC thanks our Platinum Sponsors, without their help most of the functions and workshops would not be possible. If you would like to become a Sponsor as well, please contact ABC Sponsorship!
The current Platinum Sponsors are: