Technimac (PTY) Ltd. – Introducing our ABC Premium Members

Dear ABC Members,

we proudly introduce one of our Premium Members. Technimac was founded by G.E. Mischinger who has been a member in good standing with the Austrian Business Chamber for a very long time.

About Technimac (PTY) LTD

For more than 27 years, Technimac has proudly developed and built a varity of specialized machinery for the flexible packaging industry, including a range of internationally-acclaimed side-seal and bottom-seal bagmakers. Constructed with almost 100% South African parts, these machines have sold successfully in the SADAC regions, the USA, Europe and the Middle East, earning a reputation for quality, durability and performance.

Technimac’s competitive edge in the bagmaking machinery market also comes as a result of superior customer support and spare parts supply. We offer these services in Southern Africa and beyond. Besides Technimac’s South African production expertise and know how our international distributors, Günter Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH, Hettler- Systeme GmbH, Germany, Plascon, USA, and Contec, Turkey ensure regular and competent customer support.

Through its European and US partners Technimac have ensured that clients receive excellent back-up service and superior machine maintenance on their local and export products. Due to the quality and reliability of said machines, rather than trade in or re sell their bag making machines our clients would rather avail themselves of the well proven Technimac refurbishment programs.

Our global connections create a multitude of advantages for our clients in terms of available technology transfers and information exchange.


Technimac have great pleasure to officially announce the formation of an Alliance with European Companies Günter – Germany and Contec – Turkey.
Through this alliance, Technimac are now in a position to offer the latest bag making conversion technology for a whole range of applications, which machinery was previously not available from one source of supply. Technimac has advanced from a local manufacturer of a limited range of machinery, to a supplier with access to an international supply chain in terms of manufacturing and know how transfer, since the alliance partners have agreed to an exchange of know-how and a coordinated use of all their and our manufacturing facilities. This Alliance also signals and reaffirms Technimac’s commitment to the SA Plastics Industry going forward into the future.

Technimac’s Contact Details

130 Tenth Road, Kew, Johannesburg,
South Africa
P.O. Box 781779, Sandton, 2146,
Republic of South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 11 882 6630
Fax:+27 (0) 11 882 8542

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