Members News: Airport Consulting Vienna – at its best!

As the principle adviser for the New Bugesera International Airport in Rwanda the Airport Consulting Vienna Group with its main departments Airport Consulting Vienna (ACV) and Airport Design Management (AD-M) is proud to announce that construction of this new Greenfield Airport near Kigali/Rwanda is in full swing after only 20 month of development work. This brand new airport will be the first “Digital Airport” built on African soil.

Key Facts

  • The Government of Rwanda (‘GoR’) decided to replace the existing Kigali International Airport (KIA) located close to the residential area of Kigali with a new airport about 28 km from Kigali in the proximity of Bugesera (the “New Bugesera International Airport” (NBIA)).
  • Mota-Engil Africa (MEA), an international developer and contractor, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Government for the development of NBIA.
  • The economic development of Rwanda and the actual situation of the aviation market offers a very attractive frame for the development of a new airport close to the city of Kigali.
  • Rwanda with a growing population of 11,3 million (2015) persons had a stable GDP development during the past few years
  • About 1,2 million foreign visitors in Rwanda with growth of 51% since 2000
  • RwandAir as home carrier and its future HUB strategy is very positive factor for such airport development.


  • With the support of the home carrier Bugesera International Airport will be developed into an East African HUB.
  • International flights to main African and Non-African destinations
  • RwandAir as home carrier and hub developer will distribute passengers within African continent not only to major cities but also thin trunk destinations.

Key Asset Parameters

Catchment Area 11, 3 million people

Foreign visitors 1, 2 million in 2015

Annual PAX 2020 1, 2 MAP

Annual Cargo 2020 9.700 tons

Passenger Terminal 29.900 sqm

Check-in Positions 22

Gates 10

RWY system 3750x45m Cat II

Aircraft Parking Slots (2020) 21

Car Parking Lots (2020) 516

In addition to the “pure airport development” ACV is tasked with the development of a complete airport city containing Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and Entertainment Features.

If you intend to realize a similar project please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Manager Africa


A-1300 Vienna Airport, Office Park 1, Top B08/01

M  +27 83 307 9707

T   +43 1 236 7007

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