Guest Article: Hoogland Mineral Water

Hoogland meaning Highland is a glorious Nature Conservation Area, isolated up in the mountains away from any form of pollution – groundwater, rivers or lakes, industry, agriculture, highways and other trappings of modern civilisation. Hence the water from this aquifer is indeed pristine, rich in those key mineral elements, calcium and magnesium, making it the purest mineral water in the country.

The water is sourced from an underground aquifer, actually the crater of an ancient volcano. The impermeable dolerite rock base of this crucible captures rain water infiltrating through dolomite rock, containing the vital ingredients calcium and magnesium.  Now, maybe the point of my geological explanation is becoming clear. But there’s more…

I claim that Hoogland mineral water is the purest and healthiest mineral water in South Africa. In fact, I maintain that Hoogland is the Only mineral water. If you think this is an exaggeration, let me tell you why.


I will start with a short lesson in geology. The source of this magical water is in the Hoogland Nature Conservation Area  in the South-western part of the Magalies Mountains, the fourth oldest mountain range in the world; a hundred times older than the Himalayas. It’s hard to believe that over two billion years ago this spectacular range was an inland sea, its bed subsequently tilted and depressed by massive molten rock intrusions. The emerging rocky landscape was further disrupted, a billion years later, when mighty volcanic eruptions spewed forth rivers of lava leaving jagged peaks in their wake. The transfiguration did not end there – an ice sheet descended, to be superseded by swamps, desert and, a couple of million years later, a layer of volcanic lava. All this has gradually weathered away, leaving us with the spectacular Magaliesberg mountains that magnificently dominate the landscape today. The home of Hoogland mineral water.

I also maintain that Hoogland Mineral Water is the healthiest water. I now give substance to that claim.

New Technological Age

In this New Technological Age of overwhelm, our lives are swallowed up by a frenzy of gorging on social media and ever-evolving technological advancements. To keep up, we are in the process of forgetting to slow down and appreciate the real stuff of life. We are now eating in the same way. There’s no time to grow our own fruit and vegetables. The organic food that people used to enjoy for hundreds and thousands of years has, in a few decades, been assiduously replaced with fast and convenient food. The trouble with this kind of food, full of sugar, colourants, chemical taste enhancers, preservatives, fungicides, pesticides, anti-foaming agents, palm oil, to name but a few, is that is it acidic. From time immemorial, as hunter-gatherers, our bodies were originally designed to eat alkaline, organic food, not the acidic foodstuffs that adorn the supermarket shelves today.

What’s the upshot of eating acidic foods? It’s not a pretty picture. Being overweight and undernourished can lead to a plethora of illnesses such as diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, brain function disabilities and so on. It makes you think. Doesn’t it?  So, start drinking pure mineral water as opposed to acidic, vitamin and mineral-free fruit juices, masquerading as health drinks, for example.

Reducing the risk of chronic diseases

One of the easiest ways of our reducing the risk of chronic diseases in through regular exercise, yet most of us don’t do enough. It’s hard to imagine why, when we know that physical activity does wonders for our brain function, muscle strength, weight management, quality of sleep and stamina. The technological revolution is at work here as well. Think about driving a car nowadays. You simply press a button to do most things like opening and closing the windows or boot. You don’t even have to change gears any more. You no longer need to turn your head to park or reverse the car. You just look straight ahead at the screen. Your left foot does no work. I’m not suggesting you go out and buy a vintage car to improve your exercise regimen, but I am suggesting you follow a daily exercise routine.

Here I go ringing the knell of doom again. Too much of a good thing such as exercise can develop acids in your body. But I have the solution to neutralise those acids. Drink alkaline mineral water, ideally three litres of Hoogland Natural Mineral water per day to keep you properly hydrated and also maintain your healthy lifestyle by doing ten thousand steps a day, every day.

The risks of acidic intake and why Hoogland Mineral Water matters

The stress levels of our modern lifestyle are rising alarmingly. Again, it all has to do with the fast-paced lives we are forced to lead if we want to stay in the race. Whether it’s a steaming boss dropping all kinds of additional and unnecessary work on you, or having to deal with an unsatisfied client, or being a single parent, or simply trying to make ends meet, stress builds up those dreaded acids in your body. To make matters worse, in order to cope, we often resort to imbibing too much coffee, energy drink and even alcohol, thereby increasing our acidic intake.

By now, you know the answer to dealing with those sneaky acids, firstly by recognising where they lurk and, secondly, by knowing how to neutralise them by drinking alkaline Hoogland Natural Mineral water. One liter contains the fantastic ratio of 86 mg Calcium and 47mg Magnesium, the ideal constellation of mineral content for building strong bones and flexible muscles: the keys to vitality.

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