Guest Article: Update Call Austrian Business Community – Southern Africa

On May 26th, Advantage Austria Johannesburg together with the Austrian Business Chamber hosted an update call for the Austrian Business Community in Southern Africa.

The Austrian ambassador, Johann Brieger, first spoke about the challenges as a result of the Corona crisis. The trade commissioner, Martin Meischl, then gave an update on bilateral economic relations and the (mainly virtual) events planned for the next few months.

Since traveling in times of Covid is a very important topic for the business community, the General Manager of the Lufthansa Group for Southern and Eastern Africa, Andre Schulz, was present as a speaker. The fact that South Africa is on the list of high incidence countries does not make flying any easier at the moment. For example, a flight from South Africa to Vienna with a transfer in Frankfurt is not possible for Austrian business people. These and many other tricky questions and concerns of the almost 40 participants were addressed in the one-hour update call. In addition to the current challenges, there was also good news to report, the Vienna – Cape Town route with Austrian Airlines is planned to resume in the 2021 winter flight schedule. This is a good sign for the Austrian Business Community in Southern Africa.

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