The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in collaboration with Nigerian musicians BANTU, Ugandan musician and opposition leader Bobi Wine, South African musician Zolani Mahola (The One Who Sings) and the MIAGI Youth Orchestra has broadcasted the virtual Freedom Festival titled “Change through Music” on 27 September 2021 at 13:00 CAT.
Through their music, BANTU and Bobi Wine call for tolerance, the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The musicians openly speak out against corruption and injustice in their countries and in the region. Their questioning and critical response to what they consider human rights violations have led to arrests, indictments, torture and strict surveillance especially that of Bobi Wine.
In the effort of promoting freedom of expression and freedom of speech, FNF Africa and the musicians will be recording and releasing the Freedom Festival concert, which will feature three solo musical performance from the three musicians and one collaboration performance. The musicians will be backed up by the MIAGI Youth Orchestra. The musical performance will feature songs that address issues of human rights violations, corruption, xenophobia and autocratic leadership in Africa. The recording will take place at the Morris Isaacson Centre for Music, MICM, located on the premises of the Morris Isaacson School. Nigerian musicians BANTU will featuring virtually whilst Bobi Wine and Zolani Mahola will be recording from the Morris Isaacson Centre for Music in Soweto. A preview release is expected on 15 September, which is International Day of Democracy.
FNF Africa and Bobi Wine released a successful virtual human rights and political participation awareness concert last year. It is the success of the concert from 2020 has encouraged the Foundation to explore working with the musicians whom we believe will give a greater voice to the messages we are promoting through this event. #CHANGETHROUGHMUSIC #FNFREEDOMFESTIVAL
Watch the recording here