International Semantic Web Conference to be held in Vienna

The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the premier international forum where Semantic Web / Linked Data researchers, practitioners and industry specialists come together to discuss, advance, and shape the future of semantic technologies on the web, within enterprises and in the context of public institution.

Semantic Web is an umbrella topic for topics around big data extraction, publication, integration, and analytics, focused on data on the Web, but nowadays gaining more and more popularity as a flexible and extensible data integration paradigm within enterprises through “Linked Data”.

In October this year, ISWC 2017 will attract between 600-700 international delegates’ to the city of Vienna, for five days of intense knowledge sharing and debate. The social events are designed to showcase Austrian architecture, culture and food.

In addition to two workshop/tutorial days, the main conference offers four complementary tracks ranging from theoretical research to corporate innovation. Delegates can immerse themselves in novel research contributions, learn where to go for resources and best practices, explore the benefits and challenges of applying semantic technologies in
concrete applications, and hear firsthand about corporate innovation success stories and challenges.

This major tech event offers a variety of opportunities for local and international enterprises alike, such as the ability to tap into the tech-savvy talent pool of young scientists and researchers, connect with international research institutes and labs, and discuss speculative or innovative work in progress in an informal setting during the posters
and demos reception.

Considering the primary aim of the conference is to promote awareness, dissemination, interaction and exchange of ideas between researchers, practitioners, and industry specialists, we are particularly interested in hearing from organisation who are interested in co-locating business meetups or running complementary events back to back with the main
conference, and encourage companies to submit their use cases, challenges and success stories to the conference’ industry track

For additional details, including various sponsorship & promotion  opportunities, please contact the local chair Prof. Axel Polleres  or the sponsorship chair Dr. Sabrina Kirrane.
Local Chair: Prof. Axel Polleres, Institute for Information Business,
Vienna University of Economics and Business Tel: +43-1-31336-5297
E-mail: axel.polleres [at]

Sponsorship Chair: Dr. Sabrina Kirrane, Institute for Information
Business, Vienna University of Economics and Business Tel:
+43-1-31336-4494 E-mail: sabrina.kirrane  [at]

Source: Invest in Austria

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